Netizens Says Leon Harris Allegedly Appeared Drunk On Air

Not confirmed!

Leon Harris has contributed to American journalism since the eighties. However, it is now that his viewers are shocked at the possibility of him having been drunk on air.

Key Takeaways

  • Leon Harris is an American journalist and newscaster who works with NBC, which owns and operates WRC-TV in Washington, D.C.
  • Harris recently appeared on air with stubble on his face and a slight change in tone, which had viewers questioning whether he was drunk.
  • Whether Harris was actually drunk on air has not yet been confirmed. The netizens are actively making more than just a single assumption about the situation.

Leon Harris has spent decades of his career as a TV journalist and newscaster. He is known worldwide for his work on NBC and CNN.

He first started working on CNN and then went on to work with NBC. Over the years, Harris has been both loved and cherished as a good journalist.

However, with all the love he has received for his work, it is no secret that a TV figure like himself can’t avoid the speculating eyes of TV viewers and netizens worldwide.

Everyone who watches him on air also notices every detail about him, from how he talks to how he appears on TV.

That said, recently, Harris appeared on air with a stubble on his face, and he looked rather tired on camera. This was enough to raise several speculations about everyone who had watched him.

The clip of him allegedly getting drunk on set has gone viral on the internet, leaving the netizens with many questions in mind.

Whether he was actually drunk or not has not yet been confirmed.

Leon Harris Drunk Allegations: The Truth Behind It

It can be very easy for viewers to notice changes in a public figure they have grown up watching. Even the slightest difference in one’s tonality and appearance can lead to numerous speculations about the person.

A Reddit post suggested Harris had been drunk on air because he did not look the same. His facial hair and tired tone gave away the air of someone who might have been drunk.

The post caption read,

NBC4 Leon Harris appeared drunk on air. I first noticed his face looked a little scruffy and not shaved. That’s not like him. And when he was fumbling with his words and his weird movements trying to look normal was a giveway 😖

Via Reddit

However, another netizen made a comment that could also be just as true as Harris having been drunk.

Short staffing during the holiday season could be a big reason for why he looked and sounded the way he did.

The comment read,

He doesn’t sound drunk, he looks like he is dealing with a laggy teleprompter and the scruff suggests that maybe he wasn’t the one who was supposed to cover the 5 pm broadcast. I wouldn’t doubt that holiday staffing is going on.

Via Reddit

Another Reddit user mentioned the possibility of Leon dealing with a physical condition that the viewers may not be aware of.

Plenty of other things that could be the cause….teleprompter…short staffing causing him to get called in…medical (diabetes or medication?)….

Via Reddit

Meanwhile, another assumption opposing Leon’s alleged drunken state targeted him as being clueless about what he was talking about.

NBC4 Leon Harris appeared drunk on air on 5 o’clock news 😖 (video)
byu/Kane301 innova

A netizen wrote with this concern,

He doesn’t sound drunk. He sounds like he doesn’t have a clue. Looking at the comments people are blaming teleprompters. So wait, who is riding the information that goes on the Teleprompter? Shouldn’t the anchor or the speaker be presenting the case that they know? Are we seriously saying that, somebody else is writing their thoughts and they are just a puppet?

Via Reddit

After the episode had been on air, anyone who watched the show believed and did not believe that Leon was drunk.

If he actually had been drunk, there is also a possibility that the news about it will be made bigger with full confirmation in the coming days.

In Case You Didn’t Know

  • Leon’s parents are Leon Sr. and Lorrene Harris.
  • Harris grew up in Akron, Ohio.
  • He was arrested in 2022 for driving under the influence.


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