Molly Noblitt’s Parents’ Action Suggests That They Are Sweeping The Whole Aubreigh Wyatt Case Under A Rug

The whole incident has shocked the entire Ocean Springs community.

Molly Noblitt, the infamous kid who bullied Aubreigh Wyatt, had parents Monty and Kathryn Noblitt, who held a strong position in the school system.

Key Takeaways

  • Molly Noblitt’s parents, Monty and Kathryn Noblitt, are influential figures in the Ocean Springs, Mississippi community.
  • Rumors suggest that Monty may be using his influence to protect his daughter, Molly, from the consequences of her actions.
  • A petition seeking justice for Aubreigh was started but was mysteriously deleted.

Every once in a while, we encounter a case that deserves its story to be told in a full-fledged documentary.

One such case is Aubreigh Wyatt, who took her own life due to the constant bullying that started from the time she was in 5th standard.

The brave girl did try to show some fight for a while, but one day, the pain inflicted by her bully took a toll on her mental health.

And unfortunately, the 13-year-old decided to take her own life.

Now, many of you might be wondering if she was getting bullied for more than 3 years didn’t the school authority have any idea?

As a matter of fact, they did.

Her mother, Heather Wyatt, had even complained to the school authorities and parents of bullies (Molly Noblitt, Peyton Hembree, Ava Case, and Parker Green).

One of the bullies, Molly Noblitt, had very influential parents who might have been involved in saving their daughter.

Who Are The Parents Of Molly Noblitt?

Molly is the youngest child of Monty Noblitt and Kathryn Smith Noblitt. Monty and Kathryn have been married to one another for more than 24 years.

Molly’s father, Monty, is a respected Ocean Springs, Mississippi community member.

Originating for Vancleave, the duo had two other kids, Monty (22) and Maddox (16), in addition to Molly.

He also graduated from Vancleave High School in 1989 and completed a Bachelor of Arts and Master of Education from the University of Southern Mississippi.

Monty currently works as the superintendent at the Jackson County School.

But prior to that, he worked as the Assistant Superintendent of the Bay St. Louis-Waveland School District for five long years.

Even before that, he was an athletic director and principal at Bay Waveland Middle School.

But what’s interesting is that, according to rumors, he was also a former teacher at Ocean Springs School District.

Now, we know he has held a key position of power for a long time, and many people believe that he is pulling some strings to save his daughter.

Due to this speculation, the petition was started to bring justice to Aubriegh.

But somehow, the petition with thousands of signatures was deleted. Many people feel like the school and Monty are trying to sweep the whole case under the rug.

Molly’s mother, Kathryn, has maintained her silence over the case. Since she has kept her social media handles private, there is no way to obtain any information about her.

Why Do We Feel Like This Case Deserves Its Own Documentary?

The whole incident has shocked the entire Ocean Springs community.

To fight against the bullying, Aubreigh’s mother, Heather Wyatt, was telling her story through her TikTok.

But Molly and the other bully’s parents sued Heather Wyatt.

In addition to that, the court has ordered Wyatt to delete all of their social media accounts. Which means the whole story might just disappear with time.

However, if some popular streaming platforms, like Hulu or Netflix, made a well-researched documentary on this case, the young girl’s actual story would be told to the public.

Not just that, the awareness about bullying will spread throughout the world.

And who knows, in the meantime, Aubreigh might also get justice.

In Case You Didn’t Know

  • Monty acquired a law degree from Mississippi College School Of Law.
  • As per the rumors, Molly and her friends made fun of Aubreigh even after her demise.
  1. Katherine Noblitt is as bad as her daughter. She has not remained silent. She continues to throw jabs at Heather Wyatt through the comments on her tic toc videos

  2. The father is def pulling strings they can silence heather but they can’t silence social media as a whole (LLAW 🕊️) those terriable girls should be held accountable this is ridiculous that they get to get away with basically killing a daughter , friend, cousin, granddaughter, and a sister!!! At only 13!! Awful that awful family should be teaching their kid that that’s not okay (rip aubreigh Wyatt we will fight for your justice 💗🕊️

    • I would like to see justice for Aubreigh Wyatt. No child should have to face this. All things done in darkness come to light. I don’t care who Molly’s parents are the need to be held accountable for their child’s behavior….

      • Insane that the parents r just ignoring the situation and not punishing there daughter heather might me sued and her socials. but the media will continue to fight for auberigh.

    • Smells like her parents committed a few felonies. I do think that not only the bullies but I think Molly’s parents should be thrown in jail as accomplices to murder

      A also hope and pray that the bully’s face the fullest extent of federal law.

      Another thing is that Heather

  3. The TikTok community is not willing to let this atrocious act go unnoticed or get swept under the carpet. has a number of petitions signed by thousands of people from all around the country. Our children are committing suicide due to bullying, at an alarming rate. Bullies need to be held accountable for their actions, and our children deserve to learn in a “bully free” environment. I bet if the bullies were forced to learn in a homeschooling environment, not school participation, and do community service, more of our children would still be with us on earth. Enough Is Enough.

    • I agree so much, I’m a teenage girl who HAS dealt with bullying, I got to a point where I almost tried taking pills to kill myself. As of what you said, I agree so much with you. Bullying makes a long-term effect on the victim/s of the bully/bullies. It hurts to see the suicide rate of little kids, kids as young as EIGHT have killed theirselve and its disturbing and could be an easy fix if parents just RAISED THEIR KIDS RIGHT. I believe in this situation its totally the parents part of how they raised a cruel, selfish daughter.

  4. They may think they are saving face but they are not. This action brought more attention to the situation. I didn’t even know about it but do now… The Noblitts are disgusting people and now the whole nation knows and is on the Wyatt’s side. Money doesn’t buy you class and the Noblitts are about as unclassy and trashy as it gets.

    • I absolutely agree with you here. And for those girls to continue mocking that poor girl even after her death is incredibly appalling, when I saw that picture of the doll, I said to myself there’s no coming back from that. At the end of the day God has the final say and ultimately those girls and parents will never know what God has in store for them. They will live very miserable lives carrying what they did with them.

  5. Not only does Monty Noblitt need to be removed from the school system, but his wife Kathryn needs to have all of her social media platforms shut down as well. The Noblitts atrocious monster Of A Daughter Molly along with her friends Peyton Hembree, Ava Case and Parker Green should be held accountable for their actions of harassment and bullying of Aubreigh Wyatt. I feel that it would be Justice for all four of the girls to be placed in a juvenile detention center until they are 18 years of age along with undergoing counseling to become decent human beings by the time they get out. Heather Wyatt should Sue the families of all of the girls who bullied her daughter into suicide and WIN. Even though it won’t bring Aubreigh back, Heather Wyatt deserves some kind of justice.

  6. They all need to be jailed, and “judge” Marples removed from office. He’s obviously as corrupt as the rest of those scumbags.

  7. DA’s close friendship with Monte’s wife this judges close friendship with all 4 bullies parents are a serious conflict of interest! You can try to shut heather up but Monte Noblitt, you cannot silence the masses.

  8. I personally believe they all should be arrested for their ploy to kill Aubreagh Wyatt I believe that her mom has every right to go through her grief through social media. I was bullied for years when I was in highschool I thought about the same thing as Aubreagh Wyatt till I found out I was pregnant with my first born baby boy my baby gave me some hope for my future to love and love me back yet a few months later I lost him to SIDS I also had a daughter who unalived herself named Destiny Allyson Louis Marquez she was in the nursing program at Fresno State in California she was born March 9,1989 she passed away in September 17 of 2011 she was a beautiful woman she was 22 years and 6 months and 8 days old when she passed away my heart goes out to Heather Wyatt may God bless her soul I’ll forever stand beside her till this issue is resolved

  9. The Noblitts brushing their child’s actions under the rug is defending their daughters horrible behavior. It’s all clear why the daughter behaves the way she does.
    This girl is a little monster, along with her family.

  10. They sound like they are all corrupt. Children everywhere are going through this, and it has to be stopped. Bullying has gotten way out of control. Kids are taking their lives because they aren’t getting the support they need. I was bullied and nobody cared. Now there is cyber bullying. There is no escape. Something has to be done. Justice needs to be served for Aubreigh Wyatt and many others

  11. They put parents in jail for their son doing the shooting of another kid both under age. Said parents had knowledge of their son’s intent and did nothing. New laws new rules so I feel these kids parents need the same process. Letting them go after the daughter’s mom by suing her What justice is that. Evil people that raised an evil daughter. How long till we read about their other two kids doing same

    • You must be friends of theirs. Their POS are going to be held accountable. Both the parents and the bullies. They will never crawl out from under this rock. This has gotten too big now. The Noblitts lawsuit is going to be their undoing. Go Heather!!!

    • Not attacking anyone, rather trying to get justice for a sweet 13 year old girl whos voice obviously went unheard by many. The system failed her against the attacks of these vicious girls but we will not fail Aubreigh, or Heather for that matter. we will be their voice, we will get justice for Aubreigh!⚖️🙏☺️🩷

    • You’re completely heartless if this is all you have to say after reading this story. Your comment is where heartless and miserable old men come to disparage women. Seek help.

  12. Hey Monty,
    Remember me? Muskrat, Big eye owl, Albino Skunk, Roadkill, Varmant, Possum, just to name a few. Ohhhh how I have waited 36 yrs for my justice/Your Karma(as we graduated together in 1989 from VHS and just so happened that his dad was our high school principal). Why? Why did this have to happen to Aubreigh? I pray that every Sunday when you sit in that church pew, you are begging for forgiveness. Asst Superintendent of Jackson Co School District, a lawyer, best friends with the DA, well known in the law community did you really think you were going to get away with this? Eventually Russian Roulette will get ya! Family tree full of rotten bullies. #KARMA#AUBREIGHSLAW#JUSTICEWILLPREVAIL#EYEFORANEYE#WHATSDONEUNTHEDARKSHALLCOMETOLIGHT#POPCORNANDASMILE

  13. Learned behavior…listening to their parents talk about people and think they are the ELITE!!! Not so much. Your precious OS school district is being humiliated and I guess it doesn’t matter as long as the 4 get their way. I would hope that the district fires Monty. How can anyone trust him to do the right thing when you won’t for your child.

  14. The petition was only deleted because Mollys parent got an attorney that was able to demand it be deleted through the legal system/judge that Aubreighs Mom was ordered to not engage online or petition. .. which is ridiculous. They can’t silence everyone to the facts. The parents are responsible here as well as their reckless daughter. Just like Brian Laundries parents were found responsible in the gabby petito case. Brian’s parents were aware and did nothing.. just like Mollys parents for gross negligence and inconsideration

  15. We will be the voice of Heather, Aubreigh, and the entire Wyatt’s family. This will not get swept under the rug any longer. You may be able to silence a grieving mother but you will not silence America as a whole!! We’ve had your back and used our voice since September of 2023 and will continue to speak up and have your back until justice is served for this sweet soul gone entirely to soon!!🙏⚖️🩷

  16. I will neverunderatand the foulness of the parents, if my kid ever did what molly did shed face her maker ten fold. Also, if you gooogle molly nobltt a super weird article comes up about molly killing Aubrey wyat. A Completely different case with the exact same names, bizarre

  17. The law firm representing all of them, as well as the court system (and surrounding counties like Harrison County), needs investigating with a fine-tooth comb! This isn’t the only story that has been swept under the rug. Film-makers would be lining up for miles on all of their scandals. The system is corrupt!!

  18. FYI- KATHRYN Did not maintain her silence on social media, she created fake Facebook pages to attack people that would speak ill of her daughter. On some occassions, she even got bold enough to make condescending sarcastic remarks using her own Facebook page.

  19. If Michigan can sentence the parents of a school shooter for not stopping it sooner, Mississippi should be doing the same. How is Monty not held to a higher standard as the superintendent? And how on earth did they think, in this day and age that they would get away with this? As if the country wasn’t going to find out!

    • And Jackson County School District is and entirely separate school district from Ocean Springs School District. One is city, the other is county. Incredibly, fiscally, economically wasteful, I know. It is what it is. It is that way throughout Mississippi: city school districts inside county school districts. Double the superintendents, double the top dog salaries.

    • Worth noting, all the superintendents know each other. They regularly have meetings in something called the Southern Six. That’s schools in the 6 southernmost counties in MS: Jackson, Harrison, Hancock, Pearl, Stone, & George Counties.

  20. The entire noblitt family needs to go far far away. I pray one day your foul and disgusting family know the pain Aubreigh family is going through right now. You are low class, horrid people. Rot in hell!

    • Yeah, that makes me mad bc they just want to act this never happened and I’m so so sorry
      For Heather 🩷🩷# llaw🕊🕊🕊

  21. i dont care if Mollys parents are the King and Queen of Europe, they should be doing something to take responsibility of their daughter actions which has resulted in a death (LLAW 🕊️) she didnt deserve this. this whole thing makes me so mad and sad about her story and how molly was a sickening person. #justiceforAubreigh #LLAW 💖 Rip

  22. as someone who is turning 13, staying forever 13 like Aubreigh Wyatt is heartbreaking. Molly is insane and should be charged and jailed. Btw why arent there any apologies made to the Wyatt Family from Molly?!?! That is long overdue and so is a court case. Aubreighs story deserves justice! #LLAW 🕊️ We love you Aubreigh❤️❤️❤️❤️


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